The Relationship Between Walking and Alzheimer’s Disease
For decades, doctors diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease based on concerns of memory loss. Yet the growing body of research on this condition suggests a more complex progression, one affected by daily habits that can have a physical impact.
Warm-Weather Activities for Seniors
The warmth of spring invites many people to spend time outdoors. Particularly for seniors, they can get a much-needed dose of vitamin D to improve mood, cognitive functioning, bone and muscle health. Heading outside also presents an opportunity to get your body moving and socialize with others.
Role of Occupational Therapy in Short-Term Rehabilitation
When starting short-term rehabilitation, you’ll meet with many healthcare professionals, including an occupational therapist. In hospitals, acute care and skilled nursing facilities, occupational therapists help you regain skills related to activities of daily living (ADLs).
Why Are Fractures a Concern for Older Adults?
For most children and younger adults, a fracture or broken bone requires wearing a cast and keeping the affected limb immobile. Once the area heals, you begin physical rehabilitation and eventually resume an active lifestyle. For adults over 65, fractures are far more serious.