Senior woman having an eye examThe likelihood of eye problems, including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration, increases with age. According to the American Foundation for the Blind, more than six million Americans over age 65 have severe visual impairment.

Vision loss can limit a person’s mobility, independence and overall quality of life, so it’s important to practice good eye health.

Visit the Doctor

Schedule regular appointments with an optometrist. Your doctor may be able to identify the early signs of certain conditions before they develop into something worse. See the doctor right away if you experience flashes of light, floaters, eye soreness or temporary blindness.

Protect Your Eyes

UV rays are a common cause of macular degeneration, when the central part of the retina starts to deteriorate. Protect your eyes from the sun and other elements like wind, which can dry out the eyes, with sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats.

Indoors, avoid eye strain from computer and TV screens. If you work or spend a lot of time on the computer, take breaks every 20 minutes and use protective lenses.

Prevent Falls

Falls are the most common cause of injury among older individuals and the chances only increase with impaired vision. Make sure your home is safe with the following precautions:

  • Slip-proof rugs and bath mats
  • Bathroom grab bars
  • Keep floors clear of hazards
  • Secure electrical cords

Eat Healthy

We’ve all heard that carrots promote good eyesight but leafy greens, omega-3 rich fish and non-meat protein sources are more helpful for enhanced vision. In general, regular exercise and a nutritious diet benefit the body from eye to toe!
Avon Health Center is a local resource for families with questions about their aging loved ones. To learn more about our services and the admissions process, contact us today.